While relaxing in one of our treatment rooms, customers inhale the dry, salt-enriched air deep down into the lungs, where the healing benefits do their greatest healing. The salt loosens the mucus, which begins to clear quickly, and inflammation is reduced, which makes more room in the airways for you to breathe. Symptoms subside, sometimes for up to 12 months.
The Dry Salt Aerosol, the main contributing factor to the benefits of Salt Therapy, is provided by the use of pharmaceutical grade salt from Dominion Salt in New Zealand dispersed through a halogenerator.
The type of halogenerator used in Bali Better Breathing ‘n’ Skin is a HaloSpa 03 from Halomed technology.
The process starts in the device’s salt grinder, which breaks the salt grains into pure micronized particles. After micronization, the salt particles move into the impactor, where smaller particles are separated from the larger ones and a dry, fine salt aerosol is delivered into the salt room. Specialized optical-electronic DSA sensor, located in the salt room, measures DSA-concentration levels and transmits data to a controller, which compares and adjusts current aerosol concentration with preset chosen data.
With a consistently sustained concentration of the active DSA, the salt room’s environment provides the benefits of natural microclimates.
Salt has the following properties:
- Antibacterial
- Anti-inflammatory
- Mucolytic effects: loosens excessive mucus and speeds up mucociliary transport
- Removes pathogen agents (airborne pollen)
- Reduces IgE level (immune system oversensitivity)